Thursday, 10 February 2011

Marketing, Banking, Finance, HR & General Project Reports

Marketing, Banking, Finance, HR & General Project Reports

Here is a very good collection of project reports, on various fields - finance, banking, branding, HR and general ones. Most of them are published by IIM-K. Here is a sample of the titles of the reports available:

1. 100% Financial Inclusion: A Challenging Task Ahead
2. Afforestation of ARID Wastelands Through Energy Plantations: A Case Study from India
3. Agribusiness Sector in Rural India and Increasing Opportunities of E-Commerce
4. Asset prices and inflation is there a predictive link
5. Back Water Tourism in Kerala: Challenges and Opportunities
6. Banking Channel Perceptions An Indian Youth perspective
7. Banking on Themselves
8. Behavioral Skills Trainings in Travel Agencies
9. Brand awareness and preference in rural markets
10. Branding for 21st Century Teenagers
11. Branding India for Health and Spiritual Tourism
12. Branding India: Strategic Challenges and Possible Approaches

You can get the above project reports from the below link


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